Accreditations & credentials

Studi is the first French online school to be acknowledged by 6 international institutions.

The Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business is an American organization gathering worldwide leaders in education and business, all dedicated to the promotion of higher education in business, management and administration. By becoming a member of the AACSB, Studi asserts its place on the international stage.

Studi is the first online school in Europe to become a member of the Global Business School Network (GBSN), composed of over 120 business schools across 6 continents. Launched in 2003 as an initiative of the World Bank, the GBSN works hand in hand with business schools, companies, foundations and aid agencies in order to make emergent countries get better access to higher education in the management field and tailored solutions for local needs. In France, the GBSN works with Studi, as well as ESSEC Business School, Kedge Business School, INSEAD, Grenoble Ecole De Management and Montpellier Business School.

Studi is a member of the Business Graduates Association, the international organization specialized in control quality for high-ranked and high-potential business schools. The BGA certifies schools depending on the impact they have on students, employers and communities in terms of responsible management and lifelong learning.

The Association of Collegiate Business Schools and Programs is an organization that certifies specialized programs in management in order to promote quality education in business management. Studi and its curriculums are accredited by the ACBSP, which attests to the quality of its courses.

The International Assembly for Collegiate Business Education is an American organization that certifies business schools with undergraduate and postgraduate programs. The IACBE garanties the validity of programs and the schools’ commitment to academic excellence.

The European Council for Business Education is an international accreditation agency dedicated to support vocational schools and higher education institutions specialized in economics, business and related fields. The ECBE is committed to promote and support quality education in business on an international scale.
Accreditation, credentials and institutional partners : guarantees of our reliability and quality.

The Qualiopi seal of quality has been created by the French government to certify educational establishments which actively contribute to skills development and lifelong learning. The content Studi provides through its courses meets the 7 criteria that Qualiopi has created.

MonCompteFormation is a platform which enables people to have access to the Compte Personnel de Formation (the French Personal Training Account). The CPF has been created to allow workers to collect funds in order to take training courses which would be helpful in their careers. It is available to all French active workers and operated by the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion. Studi offers over 160 training courses that are eligible for CPF funding.

Studi has been picked by the Île-de-France region as the primary academic partner for the new “return to employment” policy that has been implemented. There are currently thousands of jobseekers in the Paris area who benefit from this vocational retraining program.

Pôle Emploi is the French national employment agency. It registers jobseekers and provides them with financial support as well as personalized job-search plans. Studi has developed a working relationship with Pole Emploi after a nationwide call for tender was placed. Studi now trains thousands of jobseekers in finance, accounting and medico-social assistance.

Founded in 2018, France Compétences is a government body founded that regulates the granting of professional designations. It also registers all approved training courses in the Répertoire National des Certifications Professionnelles (the National Directory of Professional Certification).
All Studi courses are registered in the RNCP, which attests to the quality of the training provided. Studi also serves as an accredited national certifying body for professional certifications.

EdTech France is an association of companies which, like Studi, are dedicated to displaying noteworthy contributions of the digital sector to the world of education and vocational training.

Studi has signed the code of ethics issued by the CPF which revolves around ten key points. In accordance with general terms of use of the French Deposits and Consignments Fund as well as “MonCompteFormation”, we are committed to defend the right to free and informed consent for our students when it comes to choosing the proper training course.

Studi has obtained the status of apprentice training center and is qualified to offer apprenticeships. The main goal is to give access to training courses which match the trends of the job market.

The “1 youth, 1 solution” initiative has been launched by the French government to help young people get easier access to training in future oriented jobs. In this context, Studi offers work-based courses to young workers in order to help them gain experience in a growth market.

DOKELIO is a database which lists institutions offering training courses that are eligible for public and private funding.

Kairos is an online platform powered by Pole Emploi. It is specialized in organizing training programs for jobseekers.

Studi delivers state-recognized professional designations through the French Ministry of Labour, Employment and Economic Inclusion. A professional designation asserts that a worker possesses the proper skills, knowledge and abilities required for a specific job. Studi and its partners received approval from the DREETS (the Regional Directorate for Economy, Employment, Labour and Social Affairs) which enables them to organize review sessions leading to the obtention of professional designations.

Studi offers online courses which lead to state-recognized diplomas, such as certificates of professional competence (CAP) as well as vocational and non-vocational certificates, all awarded by the French Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports. These diplomas vouch for the level of studies and competency needed by both employer and learner. They also possess excellent value on the job market.

Studi offers online courses which lead to state-recognized diplomas, such as senior technologist’s certificates (BTS) awarded by the Ministry for Higher Education, Research and Innovation. A BTS curriculum emphasizes on professionalization and company needs.